The LPS Francestore

LPS France offers you all of its ranges of lightning rods, all manufactured in our workshops in France.

Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod (ESE): Advanced Protection ESE provide proactive lightning interception. They actively detect conditions conducive to lightning, effectively initiating an upward tracer. These devices cover a wider area than a simple tip, ideal for complex and extensive structures. Thus, they represent cutting-edge technology in lightning protection. ESE meet the NFC 17-102:2011 standard.

Franklin Simple Rod: Classic Solution Simple-point lightning rods, with their traditional design, passively attract lightning. They capture and direct lightning current to the ground. Although less advanced than ESE, they remain a reliable choice for standard protection of small structures. Faraday cages and meshed cages can accommodate franklin simple rod . These solutions mainly meet the IEC 62305 standard.
