Lightning rods

Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod, Franklin Simple Rod, Faraday Cage, Meshed Cage…

LPS France offers you all of its ranges of lightning rods, all manufactured in our workshops in France.

Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod (ESE): Advanced Protection ESE provide proactive lightning interception. They actively detect conditions conducive to lightning, effectively initiating an upward tracer. These devices cover a wider area than a single tip, ideal for complex and extensive structures. Thus, they represent cutting-edge technology in lightning protection. ESE meet the NFC 17-102:2011 standard.

Franklin Simple Rod: Classic Solution Single-point lightning rods, with their traditional design, passively attract lightning. They capture and direct lightning current to the ground. Although less advanced than ESE, they remain a reliable choice for standard protection of small structures. Faraday cages and meshed cages can accommodate franklin simple rod . These solutions mainly meet the IEC 62305 standard.
