Stainless steel elevation poles lightning rod supports with priming device for outdoor installation of direct lightning protection

Stainless steel lightning rod elevation mast – 1st element

  • Ref. 11121/MAT-IE1
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Overall length 2.00 m
  • Adaptation for M20 screws. (external diameter 30 mm).
  • Dimensions: 2000×30 mm
  • Weight: 3,500 kg
  • Associates with the mast second element


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The best lightning rod elevation mast for very corrosive atmospheres: 

First element of the stainless steel elevation mast designed to receive an Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod Ellips Or Paraton@ir®. The lightning rod elevation mast increases the lightning protection area by raising the lightning rod above structures. It optimizes the location of the lightning rod for better interception of atmospheric electrical discharges and helps prevent direct lightning damage to buildings. Compliance with NFC 17-102:2011 and IEC 62305 standards and equivalent country standards


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Stainless Steel Lightning Rod Elevation Mast – First Element:

This first lightning rod elevation mast element is made of stainless steel. Therefore, it is used in corrosive atmospheres. It has a length of 2.00 meters and an external diameter of 30 mm. This mast is specially designed to adapt to the M20 screws of ESE Ellips® and Paraton@ir® Lightning Rods.


Its installation is easy and safe to raise a lightning rod to approximately 2 meters (For example: lightning rod on a house). In addition, simply assemble this mast with two other elements to achieve a total elevation (height) of 5.7 meters. For example: Lightning rod on a hospital, factory, building, etc.

Finally, we also offer a galvanized steel version, with an attractive quality/price ratio. Indeed, this version is ideal for environments where the risk of corrosion is low or medium.

Elevation of the Lightning Rod – Gain in Protection Radius:

To further increase the height, add a second mast element to reach 3.8 meters. Then we add a third mast element to peak at 5.7 meters. Thus, the modular design of this set ensures remarkable flexibility to meet the needs of obtaining a greater Radius of Protection with a Protection Level constant.

Choose a system of mast fixings adapted to your project.

Stable and strong, our lightning rod elevation mast generally does not require a guying kit when used with our priming device lightning rods.


The lightning rod elevation mast plays several key roles in lightning protection. It widens the protection zone by raising the lightning rod above the structures to be protected. As a result, the coverage radius of lightning protection is effectively increased.

We therefore optimize its location to more effectively intercept atmospheric electrical discharges. This provides better protection. The lightning rod captures and channels the direct impacts of lightning and its energy away from vulnerable areas. It thus protects the underlying structure.

To know:

In addition to its function, the design of the lightning rod elevation mast has been carefully studied. Indeed, its aesthetic is designed to harmonize with the surrounding architecture, combining protection and style. (House, Historic Building, Hospital, Building, Factory, etc.)

Thanks to the material and its section, this mast is a “natural conductor”. (IEC 62305 and NFC 17-102:2011 standards)

Finally, for even further integration, the mast can be painted. In this way, it allows adaptation according to the requirements or special needs of the project architecture.

Additional information

Weight 3,500 kg
Dimensions 2000 × 30mm