> 20 years





Your protection against lightning
Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod
Franklin Simple Rod
Earthing system
Monitor your lightning protection system 24/7
Contact@ir System
The transmitters
The kits
Compatible products
LPS Manager

Contact@ir System receivers
Contact@ir® System, facilitates the maintenance of your installation.

Our skills
The company
Our products
Our services
Our training
Lightning Protection Systems France
Lightning Protection Systems France® designs, manufactures and carries out lightning protection installations for structures and their network installations (electrical, communication).
Our products
Lightning Protection Systems France® provides you with an extensive catalog of lightning rods, surge arresters and earthings based on standards evolutions, technological advances and the needs expressed by our customers.
Our services
Every day we put our human skills and our technological resources at the service of your protection against lightning and that of your property.
Our training
In order to integrate the dynamics LPS France ® and to acquire the methods of study, installation and maintenance of our lightning protection solutions, technical and commercial courses are provided very regularly by our training team.
Our latest news

Arch of Constantine in Rome struck by lightning
A violent storm in Rome damages the Arch of Constantine During a violent storm in Rome, the Arch of Constantine, a historical monument dating from 315 AD

Lightning on a clear day: an intriguing meteorological phenomenon
Clear-sky lightning, or “clear-sky lightning,” is a fascinating and unusual weather phenomenon. Unlike the traditional éclairs that accompany

Why is a tree hit by lightning?
Trees are often struck by lightning due to several factors: 1 – Height: Trees are often the tallest structures