The protection radius of a Early Streamer Emitter Lightning Rod is linked to its height (h) in relation to the surface to be protected, to its effectiveness and to the level of protection selected.
According to the NFC 17102:2011 standard, it is calculated as follows:
Rp (h) (m) corresponds to the protection radius at a height h given;
r (m):
- 20m for protection level I;
- 30m for protection level II;
- 45m for protection level III;
- 60m for protection radius IV.
h (m) corresponds to the height of the end of the ESE on the horizontal plane to the point farthest from the object to be protected;
∆h (m) ∆=∆T x 105 Field experience shows that ∆ is equal to the efficiency obtained during ESE evaluation trials.
The level of protection is determined based on numerous parameters including the risk of human and economic losses, the average local lightning strike, the impact on the environment, etc.
The level of protection is calculated according to the IEC 62-305 standard.
To allow ideal adaptation to the configuration of each site to be protected, Ellips And Paraton@ir® are available in 4 power levels.
With the LPS Manager application, there is no need for expensive software to calculate the protection radius of your early streamer emitter lightning rod. The application determines the level of protection of the house, building, factory, pylon or any other building to be protected and assists you in the best choice of lightning rod by calculating its protection radius.